Farmer Jones wanted to buy some things at a store. The storekeeper had a lot of bicycles in the store and he wanted to sell one to the farmer. “Look here, farmer Jones,” he said. “I can sell you a very good bicycle and you can ride around your farm on it every day.”

“Oh, no,” said the farmer. “I don’t want a bicycle.  I think a cow is more useful and the price is just the same.”

“But just think,” said the storekeeper, “you can’t ride round the town on a cow. That’s foolish”

“Oh, I don’t know which is more foolish,” answered the farmer with a smile, “to ride on a cow or to milk a bicycle.”

  1. Կապույտ գույնով նշված նախադասությունները գրիր ներկա և  ապառնի ժամանակաձևերով։
    Farmer Jones wanted to buy some things at a store.
    Farmer Jones want to buy some things at a store.
    Farmer Jones will want to buy some things at a store.
  2. The storekeeper had a lot of bicycles in the store and he wanted to sell one to the farmer.
    The storekeeper have a lot of bicycles in the store and he want to sell one to the farmer.
    The storekeeper will have a lot of bicycles in the store and he want to sell one to the farmer.
  3. Գրիր կարմիր գույնով նշված բառերի անցյալը։
  4. Դուրս գրիր գոյականները և բայերը:
    գոյականները – farmer, Jones, storekeeper, bicycles, store, farm, day, cow, price, town, foolish, answered,
    բայերը – milk, sell, ride, think, know, wanted, smile, buy, had, look, said, can,

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